Why subscribe?

Our goal here at Natural Music is to help you discover your new favorite music.  We believe music adds value to life and that humans are better than algorithms when it comes to music discovery. Think about it. How many of your favorite artists and albums were recommended to you by a friend? Probably most of them. Our goal is to be that friend for you.

Natural Music exists as an entity held together loosely by Alek Prus. Our team is comprised of people across the globe, with the common goal of sharing their knowledge of music with the world.

What to expect?

A monthly drop featuring our favorite releases and mixes from the past month in addition to some other bits and pieces like shows and concerts coming up in NYC in the next month.

Subscribe to Natural Music (by Aleksander)

Interesting new music worth your time


A lover of all genres and styles of music trying my best to filter through all the noise and share the best music being released each month.